Griffith Shaving Goods
Dovo "Diamant" Olivenholzgriff 5/8 Vollhohl Solingen Rasiermesser
Since many of our customers like to hone their own razors, by default we will ship these razors with the factory edge. However, we will happily hone them to our standards upon request, at no additional charge. If this service is desired please leave us a note at checkout or respond to your order confirmation email and allow an extra 2-3 business days before shipment. If you would like the razor honed without tape on the spine please also specify that in your request.
Still manufactured in Solingen Germany, Dovo has been manufacturing fine razors for over 100 years. Today, their razors combine classic craftsmaship with modern design resulting in razors that look as great as they perform.
Der „Diamant“ ist ein 5/8-Vollhohlschliff-Rasiermesser mit wunderschöner schwarz eloxierter Oberfläche und silberner Ätzung. Das Rasiermesser hat eine runde Spitze und Griffschalen aus attraktivem und langlebigem Olivenholz. Tiefe Riffelungen an der Oberseite und Unterseite des Rückens sorgen für einen sicheren Griff des Rasiermessers während der Rasur.