Vintage Williams Mug Shaving Soaps - unused in box
Vintage Williams Mug Shaving Soaps - unused in box
Vintage Williams Mug Shaving Soaps - unused in box
Vintage Williams Mug Shaving Soaps - unused in box

Griffith Shaving Goods

Vintage Williams Mug Shaving Soaps - unused in box

Angebotspreis$18.00 USD
Soap Number:1

Weitere Bezahlmöglichkeiten

Straight from a collector's estate we have unused, in box examples of classic Williams Mug Shaving Soap from various time periods and in different conditions. Choose from the examples shown to make these part of your shaving or barbershop collection. These soaps are very old at this point so we cannot make any guarantees as far as usability, but they are excellent for display.

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